community resources

Get connected with more help:

If you need help navigating resources, you can fill out the form below so a team member can tell you what might be available to you. Please note, this form is not connected with any financial assistance - only guidance.


not in slcm’s service area? find your local community ministry:


south louisville neighborhood resources

South Central Neighborhood Place (4255 Hazelwood Avenue, 40215)
Services offered: SNAP/KTAP services, back-to-school events, emergency assistance

Americana World Community Center (4801 Southside Drive, 40214)
Services offered: English classes, life skills, tax assistance, community garden, after school program

Hope Place (5007 Southside Drive, 40214)
Services offered: technical skill training, dance class, women-only gym, English class


Other Resources

Offers home repair and property tax loans

Find apartments for rent

Find information about bus routes

Prescription savings card


infant resources

Infant Resource Ministry
(1143 S. 3rd Street, 502-584-2343)
Open Monday & Thursday from 10 AM -1 PM and Wednesday from 4:30-6:45 PM. Please call for an appointment. You can go for diapers and formula every two months and clothing every season.

Golden Arrow Center
Open Tuesday – Thursday from 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Call to check on what supplies are in stock.
Photo ID of parent and birth certificate, social security card, or medical card of child required.

Sitio Clothing Ministry

(4831 Southside Dr, 502-969-0018)

Open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10-11:30 AM and 1-2:30 PM. You can go for diapers and formula once a month as well as clothing every other month.