Need help? You’re in the right place.

Our service area encompasses all of zip codes 40214, 40215, 40118 and 40209, 40219 West of I-65 and those families in 40208 who live south of Eastern Parkway/Industry Road. If this is not your zip code and you’re looking for help, please find a map of the Community Ministries here.

We currently do not have any assistance with rent. To learn about the limited rental assistance programs in the city and eviction resources, please check out

To sign up to be connected with a community service provider to help you navigate programs and resources, and to work towards goals, complete the form HERE.


LG&E: we are currently at capacity. You are welcome to try back on April 7th. NOTE:You can also apply for LIHEAP HERE when their progam restarts in April as well.

Water: we are currently at capacity. You are welcome to try back frequently.

If you own your home, you can apply for mortgage and utility assistance HERE.

For HELP with medical bills, medications and medical equipment apply below:

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If you need food from our choice pantry, please call 502-367-6445 beginning at 9:30am for a same day appointment Monday-Thursday. This is only available to you once a month but allows you to select your own canned goods, frozen meat, fresh fruit and vegetables, and even certain household and hygiene items.

For more food assistance, please visit Dare to Care’s map for a full list of services.

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do you need baby items (diapers, formula, etc.)?

Come 9:00 to 12:00 Monday & Tuesday or 1:00 to 3:00 Monday-Thursday

NOTE: we are closed from 12-1PM for lunch.

No appointment needed. (you can also save yourself a trip by requesting these items during your monthly visit to the choice pantry). Please bring your ID and a piece of mail dated within the last 30 days.

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Do you need clothes?

Come 9:00 to 12:00 Monday & Tuesday or 1:00 to 3:00 Monday-Thursday

NOTE: we are closed from 12-1PM for lunch.

No appointment needed. (you can also save yourself a trip by requesting these items during your monthly visit to the choice pantry). Please bring your ID and a piece of mail dated within the last 30 days.

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Do you need Meals on Wheels?

If you are over 60 years old, homebound, and need meals delivered, please call KIPDA at 502-266-5571 for an assessment.

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Do you need help with something else?

Check out other resources here.

Additional support is available at our offices through our partners at Maryhurst and Passport/Molina Healthcare.

PASSPORT MEMBERS: respresentatives from Passport are at our office Tuesdays from 1-3 PM to help you connect with resources.

CONNECTION TO MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT: If you or someone you care for is struggling and needs someone to talk to we can connect you with that support. Visit our offices on Monday afternoons, ask a staff member,call 502-901-0100 or sign up HERE.